Working with Orchid
This page contains useful information to ensure that your project with Orchid is completed smoothly and meets or exceeds your expectations.
Draft Review Cycle
Work, whether it is for the production of a new technical manual or computer based training module, will usually be proceed through several draft stages. These draft stages allow Orchid to submit work for review and this is your opportunity to comment.
Unless otherwise stated in our Proposal, work will usually be submitted in two draft stages, a First Draft and a Final Draft, before the final issue of the Deliverables.
There are commonly as follows:
First Draft – where you are invited to review and comment on the draft work supplied.
Final Draft – where you are invited to review the draft and ensure that your comments have been incorporated correctly and the work in therefore ‘approved’.
Draft Review Comments
When commenting, please provide one single consolidated set of comments – these can take the form of a marked up PDF or even a marked up hard copy (using a colour ink such as green or red). If you create a list of comments, please ensure that you include a page or screen reference, so that the relevant text or graphic can be located.
Please ensure that comments are actionable and not subjective. If further information will be required for us to action the comments, please provide this with comments or as soon as possible.
Terms and Conditions
Our terms and conditions are available on request.